How to help KTranslator help you
You can help KTranslator to become better and better. See here how to do this.
KTranslator is a dictionary program. The first requirement of a good dictionary program is to
have good dictionaries.
You can help:
- Reporting wrong translations, inflections, hyphenations and other mistakes. Send it to me.
- Adding new words in dictionaries. Almost all dictionaries that KTranslator uses is open
software too and are too small. You can participate in the Freedict
project or send to me a few words (from and to any
language). Optionally, you can include the hyphenation, part of speech, inflections, variants or
other information about some word that don't have them.
- Adding new word inflections. KTranslator can translate words in plural or verbs because it
have a database of inflections. If you know some inflection that is not recognized by KTranslator, send to me
to me to be included in KTranslator.
Open tasks
Other ways to help in development of KTranslator.