KTranslator is a program to translate words from one language to another. KTranslator should support any language (I hope that) and come with a plugin system, to ease the addition of new dictionaries.
The main idea behind KTranslator is to translate a word without disturb the application in use. So, when the user selects a word while pressing CTRL key, KTranslator will try to translate the word and show the result in a popup window. It behaves like Babylon for Windows.
While trying to add support for Babylon glossaries (*.bgl) to KTranslator, I realize that the Babylon glossaries cannot be used as is. It should be converted to another format prior be used by programs.
So, I have created the Dictconv. Dictconv is a program to convert from a dictionary format to another. Currently, it supports conversion from Babylon glossaries, StarDict, Sdict and Freedict XML dictionaries to DICT, PlainText or StarDict dictionaries.
02-04-2007 - Release of dictconv 0.2.
02-04-2007 - KTranslator is not died. I have been in a very busy period, so I have to slowdown the development of KTranslator. The version 0.4 is somewhat stable, so I felt there is no need to do a fast and active development of KTranslator. Actually, there are some major changes in code of KTranslator in SVN, but they are most internal changes to make the KTranslator faster and less Qt-centric. For those who want to see the changes, the KTranslator is in KDE SVN in extragear module. The major reason that I didn't release another version is that in most of my free time I was trying to code a plugin to Babylon glossaries (.bgl files). After sharing my ideas with Ricardo Villalba (from Wordtrans), the dictconv was born. Babylon glossaries is not useful as is. It should be converted to another dictionary format (the Babylon program converts to an internal format) to be used by programs. So, if I will make a program to convert from Babylon to another format, I should better do make a program to convert from several formats to several formats. My ideas to future is enhance the dictconv and merge all code to access the dictionaries supported by KTranslator in a library that can be ported to other platforms and shared by others programs and port KTranslator to Qt4. I want to release the KTranslator 0.5 soon.
Known bugs
- You can't select a word twice.
Send bugs, fixes and suggestions to Raul Fernandes.
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